How To Keep The Romance Alive In A Long-Distance Relationship

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You’ve spent your entire life looking for the one (or maybe just the one for right now!). And you have finally found them. But there are miles between you, and your relationship can’t always include in-person contact. So how, exactly, can you steam forward with the romance when you can’t walk hand-in-hand into the sunset?

What Is A Long-Distance Relationship?

A long-distance relationship is essentially any romantic partnership where it’s impractical to be together in person as often as you would like. You might, for example, meet someone online who lives in another state, or your spouse or partner may travel extensively for work. More recently, you may be separated because of coronavirus quarantine restrictions. Whatever the reason for being apart, it is possible to maintain and even strengthen your bond.

Communication Is Key

The cornerstone to any good relationship is communication. However, when it comes to a long-distance romance, communication has to be a focused priority. Your conversations have to be more than just superficial, and you have to connect at every level to ensure that your bonds remain strong. You will have to learn to convey your emotions and how to truly listen, the latter of which may be the most difficult aspect. According to Positive Psychology, communication goes beyond words, and your actions speak just as loudly.

Being an active listener is certainly a challenge when you rely on the telephone, internet, and other ways to engage long distance. But it is not impossible, and by using a combination of video messaging, texting, and good old-fashioned phone calls, you can stay in touch no matter how many miles are between you. The key point to keep in mind here is that you have to be open. Tell your lover what you want, what you need, and what you are missing, and be receptive as they do the same.

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Date Night Done Right

When you’re looking for things to do in a long-distance relationship, it can feel like your options are limited. Fortunately, you’re not as restricted as you might think. A few ideas to keep you together apart include:

  • Watching a movie on Netflix. Streaming media makes it possible to start and stop a film or television show whenever and wherever.
  • Playing a game. Games are flirty and fun, which makes them the perfect activity for couples. You might play 20 questions over the phone or set up a video chat to play something like chess, checkers, or poker.
  • Sharing an event. Something as seemingly simple as choosing an event on the calendar and sharing it together is a meaningful experience when you’re apart. A birthday, a full moon, or a silly holiday are great examples.

Long-distance doesn’t have to mean living completely separate lives until you reunite. With dedication and creative communication, your new (or old) love can thrive in ways you never imagined. From being open with your wants and needs to digital date ideas, the above advice can help you take your faraway fling to the next level.